Brenda DesOrmeaux – Founder and President of DesOrmeaux Foundation, Dedicated to Defending Human Life

Our guest is Brenda DesOrmeaux, President and founder of the DesOrmeaux Foundation. The Desormeaux Foundation is dedicated to defending human life at all stages of development, born and unborn. This includes the infant in the womb, the elderly, the handicapped, the homeless, and all who are threatened by our present culture of death.  To fulfill its […]

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Traci Pécot, Proprietor of Paws and Paw Paws

Traci Pecot and Jan Swift at taping of Discover Lafayette

Traci Pécot, owner of Paws and Paw Paws, and Paws MidCity, joins Discover Lafayette to share her love for all things related to dogs. Paws and Paw Paws is a dog daycare that opened in 2017 with a mission to combine Traci’s passion for dogs with her love for members of our senior community. Traci […]

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Brenda Andrus – Caring With Love for our Elderly

Brenda Andrus and Jan Swift

Brenda Andrus joined Discover Lafayette to discuss the importance of protecting our local senior citizens and providing outlets for socialization and enriching activities.  Employed by Home Healthcare 2000, Brenda is engaged in providing resources and enriching activities to elders and also keeps up with what is offered locally by civic and government agencies. She partners […]

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C’est La Joie Academy – French Immersion Learning for Three Year Olds

Mamie Perkins, Charlotte Cobb and Jan Swift

The founders of C’est La Joie Academy, Charlotte Cobb and Mamie Perkins, join Discover Lafayette to share their drive to offer three-year-olds a safe place to have fun while they develop a lifelong quest for learning and exploration. C’est La Joie Academy offers a play-based, nurturing, French Immersion environment where three-year-olds are surrounded by the […]

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Foodies of Lafayette – Heidi McDonald

Heidi McDonald, Foodies of Lafayette, with Jan Swift at RADER studio taping Discover Lafayette

Heidi McDonald of Foodies of Lafayette joins Discover Lafayette to discuss her passion for sharing positive news about all things related to good food. Foodies of Lafayette is a group that supports local restaurants while cultivating a positive experience for its members.  It is promoted via its Facebook page where local restaurants can post daily […]

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