David Callecod hit the ground running when he was hired by Lafayette General Hospital (“LGH”) in July 2008 as its President and CEO. Under the capable leadership of Lafayette General’s board of directors and its vision of creating a strong regional healthcare network, Callecod oversaw the partnership with St. Martin Hospital in Breaux Bridge within […]
Frances McIntosh: Striving to Become a U. S. Citizen
Frances McIntosh is caught between two worlds. A native of Scotland, she moved to Lafayette in 2002 with her three children when her husband was offered a job in the oil industry. She shared the story with Jan Swift of Discover Lafayette of what many immigrants go through when they apply for permanent residency in […]
Dr. Natalie Harder, Chancellor of SLCC, Working to Raise Educational Attainment Rate in Louisiana
Dr. Natalie Harder has dedicated her professional career to making education available to everyone. Whether you have achieved a third grade education or a doctorate in philosophy, the open access policy at South Louisiana Community College (“SLCC”) provides the opportunity to pursue the education you desire at an affordable price. Adult education is now a […]
Gus Rezende of Social Entertainment Talks About Entrepreneurship, Life in the U. S.
Gus Rezende’s life has been shaped by chance meetings with people who compliment his talents and bring about successful outcomes. A partner in Social Entertainment, Gus is a native of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and came to the United States in 1999 on a tennis scholarship at Georgia Southwestern State University. While teaching at a summer […]
Second Annual South Louisiana Songwriters Festival Brings Music Professionals from Around the World to Lafayette
Our guest is Mark Falgout, owner of Blue Moon Saloon, one of America’s premier venues for roots music from around the world. He also owns Warehouse 535, a popular venue for special events and live performances. Mark and his wife, Nicole, were instrumental in creating the South Louisiana Songwriters Festival and Workshop, known as SOLO, […]