Marie Collins of The Family Tree – Using Active Listening to Help Others Find the Answer Within

Marie Collins, Executive Director of The Family Tree, is our guest. Marie is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, and Addictions Counselor. Her ten years of work with former Lafayette Parish Sheriff Mike Neustrom taught her how to treat all people with respect and to listen to their stories to more effectively help them learn […]

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Walter Camos, Licensed Professional Counselor, Discusses the Importance of Healthy Parental Involvement in the Lives of Our Children

This podcast is the third in a series of Discover Lafayette podcast interviews with local psychologists and therapists who work with children caught in the middle of high conflict divorces and separations. Walter Camos, a licensed professional counselor in Lafayette, discusses reunification/reconciliation therapy which is focused on bringing a parent and child back together when […]

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