David Callecod, CEO of Lafayette General Health, Shares Impact of COVID, Oschner Merger

Lafayette General Health System CEO David Callecod joined Jan Swift to discuss how COVID-19 has impacted our healthcare system and way of life. The bottom line is that progressing to Phase III of the pandemic, the full reopening of our economy, and returning to “normal” is totally dependent on our own individual and collective behavior […]

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Discover Lafayette’s Past: SLI’s Department of Engineering

In 1901, Ashby Woodson was the first teacher of manual training at the newly opened Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute, now known as UL Lafayette. Manual training was to eventually become known as the College of Engineering. Under a 1920 legislative act, Dr. Edwin L. Stephens, president of the university, organized departments that would eventually develop […]

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Erick Knezek of Oceanetics: Creator of COVID-19 Nurse Saver with Dr. Doug Clement

Erick Knezek, Navy veteran and founder of Oceanetics, Inc, , joined Jan Swift of Discover Lafayette to discuss his company’s newest FDA approved COVID-19 medical device, the NRSAVR-100, otherwise known as the “nurse saver.” The device was developed with the expertise of Dr. Doug Clement, an ER doctor affiliated with Our Lady of Lourdes in […]

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Discover Lafayette’s Past: Jefferson Theater

The Jefferson Theater opened on January 15, 1905 as it showcased its first production, a burlesque comedy called ‘Hoity-Toity’. Originally established as a venue for live acts and motion pictures, a new Jefferson Theater would later be built next door and the original building would become the Azalea Theater. Downtown Lafayette was able to sustain […]

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