Ed Bowie – Executive Director of AOC Community Media

Passionate about the right to free speech guaranteed by the 1st Amendment, Ed Bowie has served as Executive Director of AOC Community Media since 1998, having previously served as a volunteer since 1984. In this Discover Lafayette interview, Bowie discusses the importance of affording all individuals the ability to share their opinions and creatively express their views via an affordable platform accessible to all. He’s worked diligently to improve services and enhance the public’s awareness of the many ways AOC’s resources may be utilized to create non-commercial video and audio content for distribution to the community and beyond.

In the early years of the television cable industry, legislation was passed requiring cable companies to provide access channels for Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) use. In 1982, Acadiana Open Channel (AOC) became the local access point for Public, Educational and Government (PEG) use in Lafayette Parish. Its operations are funded by franchise fees paid by local cable television providers, Cox Media and LUS Fiber. Over the years under Ed’s leadership, AOC has undertaken the production of content such as taping of Festival International and televising of public meetings. They deliver content which enhances the ability of local citizens to stay informed and enjoy experiences which may otherwise be missed.

No matter your income, you can have access to AOC’s studios, production assistance, equipment and air time. The most expensive individual membership is $60 per year, which provides access to all equipment and facilities. Scholarships are available for individuals unable to pay the membership fee.

Discover Lafayette’s podcast would not have been initiated without the encouragement and expertise volunteered by staff at AOC, particularly William McFarlain. This episode was produced in early 2017 at AOC when the show was still going by the name “Did You Know?”Ed Bowie’s love of his job and community shine through in this relaxed interview between two friends. We hope you enjoy it!

If you are interested in joining AOC as a producer, please visit www.aocinc.org.