Travis Schugg – VieMed Healthcare Staffing

Travis Schugg, Vice President of Staffing Services at VieMed Healthcare Staffing (“VHS”), joins Discover Lafayette to share how VHS utilizes technology to meet the burgeoning staffing needs across all healthcare specialties in the U. S. He is responsibile for steering the company’s long-term strategic direction and day-to-day operations.  Travis moved to Lafayette in 2021 to […]

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Meet Casey Hoyt and Michael Moore, Founders of VieMed, Largest Provider of Non-Invasive Ventilators in U. S.

Casey Hoyt and Michael Moore, founders of VieMed Healthcare, Inc., the largest independent non-invasive ventilation therapy provider in the U S., joined Jan Swift of Discover Lafayette to discuss their journey. They were joined by Casey’s dad, Max Hoyt, who has been a mentor, investor, and V. P. of Governmental Relations for VieMed until recently. […]

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